Logo CORS Proxy

Logo CORS Proxy

- Free CORS proxy server to bypass same-origin policy related to performing standard AJAX requests to 3rd party services.
You can use to prevent mixed content of images and JSON data proxying the resources to serve them under https.

- API URL => "https://api.codetabs.com/v1/proxy?quest=<url_to_http_resource>"
- Each request is limited to 5mb size download to avoid abuse.
- Only suppports GET request.
- Limit : 5 request per second. Once reached subsequent requests will result in error 429 (too many requests) until your quota is cleared.
Endpoint - Do cors proxy
http Request :
GET https://api.codetabs.com/v1/proxy?quest=<url_to_http_resource>
Access resources from other website :
Serve an http image as https preventing mixed content :