Logo Count LOC

Logo Count LOC


- Tool for counting lines of code from github/gitlab repositories.
- Max Repo size : 500 mb, greater repos will not work.
- File max size for upload 200mb
- Can select a branch different than master using &branch=branchName
- Can ignore files or directories writing them separated by commas in the ignoreBox.
- Can edit the colors of the segments by clicking on any point of it. Segment will randomly change color as it is clicked.
- Default colors are the same as github

- Limit : 1 request every 5 seconds. Once reached subsequent requests will result in error 429 (too many requests) until your quota is cleared.
Endpoint - Get Lines of Code from GitHub repo
This endpoint retrieves LOC from any github repo based on programming language.
curl Request : add -L flag
curl -L https://api.codetabs.com/v1/loc?source=username/reponame
http Request :
GET https://api.codetabs.com/v1/loc?github=username/reponame
GET https://api.codetabs.com/v1/loc?gitlab=username/reponame
Select branch
If you want a different branch than master
Ignore files or directories
Can ignore files or directories using param ignored
example :
response :
    "language": "JavaScript",
    "files": 1,
    "lines": 176,
    "blanks": 14,
    "comments": 6,
    "linesOfCode": 156
  ... more languages
    "language": "Total",
    "files": 8,
    "lines": 921,
    "blanks": 148,
    "comments": 46,
    "linesOfCode": 743
Endpoint - Get Lines of Code from an zipped directory
This endpoint retrieves LOC from any zipped directory
http Request : POST https://api.codetabs.com/v1/loc
parameter : Form Data
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="inputFile"; filename="yourRarZipFolder.zip"
response : Same as Endpoint - Get Lines of Code from any zipped Project