Logo Count LOC

Logo Count LOC


API doc (version 0.9.2)

You can choose GitLab repos too for counting lines of code.
Default colors are the same as github.
Can select another branch than master.
Buttom under pie chart for include/exclude comments in pie chart.
Can ignore files or directories writing them separated by commas in the ignoreBox.
- Tool for counting lines of code from github/gitlab repositories.
- Max Repo size : 500 mb, greater repos will not work.
- File max size for upload 200mb
- Can select a branch different than master using &branch=branchName
- Can ignore files or directories writing them separated by commas in the ignoreBox.
- Can edit the colors of the segments by clicking on any point of it. Segment will randomly change color as it is clicked.
- Default colors are the same as github

- Limit : 1 request every 5 seconds. Once reached subsequent requests will result in error 429 (too many requests) until your quota is cleared.
Endpoint - Get Lines of Code from GitHub repo
This endpoint retrieves LOC from any github repo based on programming language.
curl Request : add -L flag
curl -L https://api.codetabs.com/v1/loc?source=username/reponame
http Request :
GET https://api.codetabs.com/v1/loc?github=username/reponame
GET https://api.codetabs.com/v1/loc?gitlab=username/reponame
Select branch
If you want a different branch than master
Ignore files or directories
Can ignore files or directories using param ignored
example :
response :
    "language": "JavaScript",
    "files": 1,
    "lines": 176,
    "blanks": 14,
    "comments": 6,
    "linesOfCode": 156
  ... more languages
    "language": "Total",
    "files": 8,
    "lines": 921,
    "blanks": 148,
    "comments": 46,
    "linesOfCode": 743
Endpoint - Get Lines of Code from an zipped directory
This endpoint retrieves LOC from any zipped directory
http Request : POST https://api.codetabs.com/v1/loc
parameter : Form Data
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="inputFile"; filename="yourRarZipFolder.zip"
response : Same as Endpoint - Get Lines of Code from any zipped Project